My mother is no more, but her a smiling face, her affectionate hugs, and soothing words are always a source of inspiration for me. The word 'mother' is a balm for her children. Mother is the living God on earth. God created mother as His own image.Since God can not be by the side of all children, He created mother to nurture them, to love them and to protect them.
I always remember the smiling face of my mom. She had to look after five children but I never heard her complaining that she was tired. Not that she was not tired, but she always looked fresh and charming. My father was holding a senior position. Quite often he had to host parties. My mother had studied only up to class tenth, but had mastered the technique of moving in high circles and be a perfect hostess. She accompanied my father to all social gatherings. She used to drive the car and saw to it that her daughters learnt driving.
Every year on their marriage anniversary, my parents used to take a family photograph. I am standing behind my father.This was taken about sixty years ago.
My mother was deeply religious. Quite often there used to be recitation of Akhand Ramayana in our house.With the blessings of God,the family was happy, peaceful and united.It is due to mother's blessing that all her progeny is well settled.
Written in response to Write Tribe # Monday Musings dated 28th Sept 2015
You have such a beautiful photograph to remember her. I cannot even imagine a life without her. Even though we stay so far... I cannot imagine anything without her.