A great man and scientist
Carved for great heights
lust for service in his soul
Never at rest, his impatient
mind, pining to serve others.
to make them hale and hearty .
Narrow thoughts not for him
equal all, no one big or small
himself lead life of austerity.
Simple food and no luxuries,
His actions gave a loud message
practised what he preached.
As the leader of the nation
He lived a life of simplicity
His love for youth intense
children doted on him a lot.
His last breath in the midst
of youth, a gift for his soul.
Man so great, rarely adorn
the world, a gift to our nation.
We are proud of this gem
for ever he'll rule our hearts
the unforgettable great man,
a priceless gift for the nation!!.
Written for @A prompt each day. A word play# no.10. Teach
a heartfelt tribute Ushaji...such souls are so rare...it's our good fortune that he lived in our time...