Trust like a soul never returns once it is gone.” ~ Publilius Syrus
Trust is very important in mutual relations. specially in marital relations and at work place. If the boss always views his emlpoyees with suspicion he/she will never develop trust for them. In such a situation the employees will always be in a state of uncertainty. Trust begets trust.
Trust is the name for sincerity, which is very essential for any marriage to last. If once lost, it will be difficult to to re establish it.
Just to divert your mind from this serious subject. Here is a joke which is doing the rounds these days.
A lady called her husband and asked him,''Where are you, darling?''
The husband replied,'' At home, sweetheart.''
The wife said,''Switch on our conversation,when you proposed to me.''
The husband did so. This went on for three days. On the fourth day , when she reached home, he was not at home.
She asked her son,''Where is your Papa?''
The boy replied,'' He has gone out. He was carrying the tape recorder.''
Written for Write Tribe-#WYHO #1
The boy replied,'' He has gone out. He was carrying the tape recorder.''
Written for Write Tribe-#WYHO #1

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